GOW Foundation President Joseph Oloo

GOW Foundation President, Joseph Oloo

Joseph Oloo, the last-born son of Gordon Oloo-Were and Magdalene Oloo-Were, was born in Kenya and immigrated to Fresno Ca, while a sophomore in high school. He received his Bachelors of Science degree from Fresno State University and earned a Master’s of Science degree from San Francisco State university.

He is currently a Process Development Engineer in biotechnology, where he designs methods for producing novel therapeutic medication for children suffering from genetic diseases.

Drawing from his unique experience of evenly splitting his high school education years between Kenya and US schools, Joseph noticed the importance of free high school education in US and the burden school fees placed on Kenyan students from poor families. This realization inspired his vision of creating Gordon Oloo-Were Foundation, in memory of his father, who was a University professor in Fresno, California.

Creating the foundation served two purposes for Joseph; when his father was alive, he used his personal funds to pay school fees for several Kenyan students and relatives. Creating the charitable foundation ensured a continuation of Oloo-Were generous legacy and love for promoting education.

The Foundation also created a much more effective and streamlined process that vetted students to determine their need and support them throughout their high school years.

Joseph is committed as GOW Foundation President, to the mission of working toward helping high school students in Kenya complete their education without financial difficulty.

Just like his father, Joseph believes in spreading the gift of education. He takes inspiration from his father’s words, “education is a gift that lasts forever.”